咨询热线:025-52791167 52791168

Numatics 651系列 ​ 过滤器调节器 ​空气准备 - 模块化空气准备

添加时间:2022-06-16 14:56:45

Numatics 651系列 过滤器/调节器 空气准备 - 模块化空气准备
过滤器 - 调节器 - 过滤器/调节器 - 润滑器 - 截止阀 - 慢启动快速排气阀 - 1 / 4,1 / 8

  • Optional low profile gauge, round gauge, digital gauge or digital pressure switch
  • Key lockable and tamperproof options on Regulators and Filter/Regulators
  • Polycarbonate and aluminum bowls with a selection of sight gauge materials
  • Air purity class according to ISO 8573-1: 2010 (Filters & Filter/Regulators)